Amman RotanaRRRRR

Escoja su Escapada Rotana, tiempo preciado nuestra promesa a usted

Family Weekend Escape
Are you looking forward to spending quality time with your family in the beautiful city of Amman Look no further Amman Rotana has arranged the best family package for you ]
Business travel redefined
Explore a new world to business travel and stay connected with your family, friends and colleagues ]
Set the scene for your romance
Surprise your beloved one with a romantic getaway from JOD 139 ]

Nuestra cuidadosa selección de paquetes de Escapas Rotana le ofrecen unas vacaciones ideales lejos de todo. Desde aventuras de toda una vida y cenas románticas, a paquetes de golf excepcionales y largas estancias de total relajamiento, puede estar seguro de encontrar el perfecto escape aquí.

Los precios e inmejorables beneficios al todo incluido, le dejan con nada más que pensar que cuando quisiera disfrutar de un muy buen merecido descanso.

Procedimientos simples de reserva que le permiten realizar rápidamente su selección. Y de ahí, dejar que nosotros nos ocupemos del resto.

Just some of our offers and promotions

Enjoy the Elegance of High Tea at The Lounge
A Touch of Class, A Symphony of Flavours and Textures ]
BBQ Fridays at The Deck Lounge
Join us for a delicious BBQ feast, served right at your table ]
Ladies Night at The Deck!
Join us for Ladies Night every Tuesday, at The Deck ]
Join us at The Deck Lounge!
Panoramic views, signature cocktails, delicious bites, and live DJs at The Deck ]
Sip, Savour, Socialise at Bar on Four!
Bottles & Beats: A Night to Remember at Bar on Four ]
Bringing Italy to you!
Indulge in a culinary journey through the flavours of Italy Buon appetito ]
The Legendary Tomahawk!
This masterpiece has arrived to Rodeo Grill ]
Let's Meat at Rodeo Grill Steakhouse
Your finest Steakhouse in town is now open ]

Find more at Rotana Times, our online channel dedicated to what's happening here at Amman Rotana ]

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